Constitution & Bylaws

CONSTITUTION                                            (Bylaws found further down the page)


For God and Country, we, the Ohio Chapter Federal Bureau of Investigation National Academy Associates, Incorporated, associate ourselves together to:

Uphold and defend the laws of our country; perpetuate our association with fellow graduates and faculty; promote training programs; encourage attendance at all training sessions; encourage and assist in the enlightenment and education of the general public; enhance the professional development of our membership; cooperate with the Federal Bureau of Investigation and all duly constituted law enforcement agencies and officers, as well as the general public, in all matters of mutual interest, particularly in the exchange and dissemination of ideas and information, the detection and prevention of crime, and the apprehension of criminals; strive for the highest degree of respect for law and order and the maintenance thereof. To these ends, we pledge to always conduct ourselves in a manner that will lend strength, dignity and credit to the profession of law enforcement.

In the name of God and country , we the graduates of the Ohio Federal Bureau of Investigation, Washington, D.C. FBI National Academy, known as the ‘Ohio Chapter Federal Bureau of Investigation National Academy Associates, Incorporated,’ originally established at Columbus, Ohio on February 26, 1947, have gathered here in conference at The Annual Business Meeting in Ohio on June 7, 2000, for the purpose of amending our constitution and bylaws as follows:


Ohio Chapter Federal Bureau of Investigation National Academy Associates, Incorporated.


Section 1.

Individuals who have satisfactorily completed the prescribed course of instruction in the FBI National Academy and who are actively engaged in law enforcement duties in the State of Ohio, the nature of which would qualify a candidate for admittance in the FBI National Academy.

Section 2.

Graduates of the National Academy who are regularly retired from law enforcement work. (Regularly retired is defined by the National Board as ‘Honorable severance of employment from law enforcement work whether that severance has occurred through choice or changed circumstances.’)

Section 3.

Active retired special agents of the FBI who have served as counselors and/or field officer National Academy coordinators for a National Academy session or who have been directly involved as a regularly appointed full-time administrator of the National Academy program at FBI Headquarters. Active and retired special agents shall not be eligible to hold elective office at either the local or national level.

Section 4.

There shall be no honorary or other types of membership except active membership.

Section 5.

Any other NA graduate applying for membership in the Ohio Chapter upon approval of the Executive Board may be accepted by two-thirds vote of the members present at any legal meeting.


The voting officers of the Ohio Chapter Executive Board will be:

1. President

2. 1st Vice President

3. 2nd Vice President

4. 3rd Vice President

5. Recording Secretary

6. Historian

7. Immediate Past President

The seven officers of the Chapter plus any outgoing past president shall serve seven consecutive years as a member of the Executive Board. A majority of the Board must be present to constitute a quorum at any Executive Board Meeting. All members of the Executive Board will have voting power. The Executive Board will provide for the annual audit of the books and accounts maintained by the Fiscal Manager/Treasurer (see Article IV, Section 5) and shall perform all other duties required of it by this constitution.


Section 1.

The governing body of the Ohio Chapter Federal Bureau of Investigation National Academy Associates, Incorporated shall be the Executive Board, and shall consist of


Section 2.

Board Members shall be elected at the Annual Business Meeting. They shall assume the position of Historian and rise through the chairs for a commitment of 7 years. A nomination shall be made by a nominating committee appointed by the President of the Executive Board. The Board shall nominate a candidate from the Southern and Northern portions of the state in alternating years. Should no candidate be available from that portion of the state, the Executive Board will make the final guidelines for the nominating committee to follow. In any event, the Executive Board will make every attempt to see that the State is represented fairly and equitably. Nominations may also be made from the floor. The candidate receiving a simple majority of the votes shall be declared elected.

The Historian shall be the only elected or appointed officer. Election shall take place at the Annual Meeting and this office shall be filled by a plurality vote of members present.

When the office of Historian is filled all other officers shall advance one chain in office. All other officers shall hold office for a period of one year and upon surrendering office, shall turn over all records, monies, papers or other properties of the Chapter to their successors. However, when an office is vacated, officers shall advance to fill the vacant or vacated office. The President shall have the authority, with the approval of the Executive Board, to appoint any member to fill the Office of Historian when a vacancy occurs. Officers shall hold office until the next general election.

Section 3.

Training Coordinators are assigned by the Northern and Southern FBI SAC of Ohio. The Cleveland and Cincinnati Offices of the FBI.

Section 4.

In the event a regular Business Meeting is not held at the appropriate time for the election of a candidate from a particular section of the state, the election will be held at the next possible meeting of the Ohio FBINAA.

Section 5.

The Executive Board may appoint a Fiscal Manager/Treasurer to serve at the discretion of the Board. The Board may make appointments to support the operation of the Ohio Executive Office as is necessary. The Board will provide for the annual audit of the books and accounts maintained by the Fiscal Manager/Treasurer. The Board shall perform all other duties required of it by this constitution.

Section 6.

Interim vacancies in any office shall be filled by the Executive Board and such officer shall hold office until the next regular Business Meeting conducted during the Ohio National Training Conference or Business Meeting.

Section 7.

While serving as a Board Member the individual must maintain all the membership requirements listed above. They also must maintain full time law enforcement status for the first two (2) years on the Board, afterward they may be fully retired but may not be employed in any other employment or profession that is not compatible with the principles and purposes of this Association. Each elected member of the Executive Board shall reside within the State of Ohio. A Board member who leaves law enforcement within the two (2) years has 120 days to continue full time law enforcement employment or resign from the Board. They have the right to appeal to the Executive Board for reinstatement.

Adopted by the Membership at the September 21, 2021 Retrainer Business Meeting to change Article IV, Section 7 from four (4) years to two (2) years of full time law law enforcement status.


Section 1.

All committees shall be appointed and removed by the President. The members of the committees can be notified by mail or otherwise at which time the individual named as chairman of the committee shall make appropriate steps to call the committee to meeting for the purpose of transacting the required business.

Section 2.

There shall be a standing constitution and bylaws committee.


Section 1.

Regular Business Meetings of the Association shall be held. The Association members present at regular Business Meetings shall constitute a quorum.

Section 2.

At the opening of each Business Meeting the President shall appoint an active member of the chapter as Sergeant-at-Arms and such necessary assistance as may be required.

Section 3.

The Sergeant-at-Arms’ duties shall be to examine the membership present at the Business Meeting and permit no unauthorized persons to be present during the meeting. He/she shall maintain order and shall perform any duty required of him/her by the President for the orderly conduct of such meetings.


The proceedings and deliberations of the Association, including the Ohio Chapter Training Conference, shall be in accordance with the bylaws, protocols, and other rules and guidelines adopted and amended from time to time to govern these proceedings and deliberations. All matters not covered by such rules shall be governed by the parliamentary practices established by Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised.


Section 1.

All funding and fiscal management of the Association shall be in accordance with the U.S. Internal Revenue Service statutory provisions associated with a not-for-profit organization and the State of Ohio not-for-profit corporation laws.

Section 2.

The dues of the Association will be established by the Executive Board based on two-thirds majority vote of the Board. Dues will serve as a primary source of funds used to assist in defraying the costs of Training Conferences, operations and activities of the Ohio Federal Bureau of Investigation National Academy Associates, Incorporated.

Section 3.

Other revenues received by the Association will be administered under the direction of the Board.


Section 1.

Any changes and amendments to the Constitution shall be made by a two-thirds vote of the active members voting by mail or at a regularly scheduled Business Meeting.

Section 2.

The Executive Board shall have the power to make, amend, and repeal the bylaws of the Association by a vote of two thirds majority of the Board at any regular or Special Meeting of the Board. The members may make, alter, amend and/or repeal the bylaws of the Association at any Annual Meeting or at a Special Meeting called for that purpose, and all bylaws made by the Board may be altered and/or repealed by the members by a vote of two-thirds majority of the membership.

Adopted by the Membership at the June 07, 2000 Wigwam Business Meeting




B  Y  L  A  W  S  

Should there be a disillusionment of the Ohio Chapter of the FBINAA the executive Board shall meet (at least three members) and cause all debts to be paid pending against the organization.  After debts the Board will see that the remaining unencumbered funds be donated to a worthy cause such as the ‘COPS KIDS‘ organization founded by retired FBI agents.  Should the Board be unable to meet, the president (or acting president) shall direct any debts to be paid.  The unencumbered funds shall be donated to ‘COPS KIDS.’           
Subsequent to the completion of each National Academy session, the National Office provides each Section secretary/treasurer with a list of those session graduates from the concerned section, who have joined the FBINAA, Inc. and paid national dues.
Any National Academy graduate not already a member of the Ohio Association may seek membership by making application through the Ohio Chapter.  The Executive Board will make a determination regarding the eligibility of the applicant and vote on membership.
The Ohio Chapter Board shall be the judge of its own membership, subject to the restrictions of the Constitution and bylaws of the Ohio Chapter Federal Bureau of Investigation National Academy Associates, Incorporated.  A member may be suspended or expelled from the Association for conduct detrimental to the Association or for non-payment of dues.
Except for non-payment of dues, all charges must be made under oath in writing by the complainant.  Prior to a member in good standing losing his membership, he will be given opportunity for a full hearing before the Board or a committee designated by the Board.  Any member suspended or expelled after a full and fair hearing by committee shall have the right to appeal to the Executive Board of the National Academy Associates of Ohio, Inc.*  If a member is convicted of a felony, his membership is automatically terminated.
* re-instatement to be handled by the Executive Board.
A member may be dropped from the roles of the Chapter upon two thirds vote of the membership at a legal meeting for the following reasons:
1.-Upon severance of a member’s full-time employment from duly constituted law    enforcement, other than members retired in good standing.
2.-Upon non-payment of any required dues.
3.-Upon participation in activity unworthy of or inimical to the best interest of law enforcement as evidenced by any dismissal or requested resignation from any law enforcement agency based upon misfeasance or malfeasance, and by a majority   vote of the Executive Board of the association.
4.-Upon participation in activity unworthy of or inimical to the best interest of the FBI National Academy or upon participation in activity unworthy of or inimical to the best interest of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
All members shall be notified by mail at least one week prior to said meeting.
In the event a position on the Executive Board becomes vacant prior to the expiration of said term, the President shall convene a meeting of the Executive Board. The Board will consider the qualifications of each of the members who have expressed an interest in filling the vacancy. The president shall appoint a new Historian with the approval of the Board.  In any event, said vacancy shall be filled in accordance with the Constitution.
The President shall appoint a committee to review the applicants of candidates desiring the position of Historian for the Ohio Chapter.  After review, the committee will meet with the candidates they deem most qualified to take the position.  The committee shall then select and recommend to the Board a candidate to be presented before the membership.
The Executive Board may choose to present that candidate or take nominations and consider other candidates.  In any event the Executive Board will recommend one candidate to the general membership for consideration.
The membership may then receive nominations from the floor and have a vote (either secret or not) choosing a candidate or they may move to accept the recommended candidate without challenge.
The time and location of the Committee Meetings shall be announced by the President or his designated chairman.  He/she shall advise all candidates seeking election as Historian to present themselves (or their resumes’) before the Nominating Committee .
Section 1.  Order of Business:
          A.  Call the meeting to order
          B.  Roll call of officers
          C.  Appointment of Sergeant-at-Arms
          D.  Report of Officers
          E.  Reading of minutes of the previous meeting
          F.  Bills and communications
          G.  Reports of the committees
                1.  Finance
                2.  Training
                3.  Constitution and bylaws
                4.  Member of Honor
          H.  Nominations and elections of officers
           I.  Unfinished business
           J.  New business
          K.  Memorial to deceased members
          L.  Adjournment
For the conduct of business, ‘Robert’s Rules of Order’ shall be followed when not inconsistent with the provisions of the Constitution and bylaws.  The President may suspend Robert’s Rules and hold an informal meeting.  However, any member may invoke the right to proceed under the rules at any time during the meeting.
NOTE:  Persons addressing the assembly shall be requested to clearly identify themselves by full name and National Academy Session number.
The Executive Board shall meet at least two (2) times a year unless otherwise directed by the President.  These meetings shall be held as follows:
(1)  Before the Business Meeting in June
(2)  Before and during the Annual Training Conference
Special Board Meetings may be called by the President on his own volition or at the request of a majority of the Board. Members may attend all meetings of the Board except those held in executive session.
It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings of the Association and of the Board,  to appoint all committees, to be an ex-officio member of all committees, with the right to debate and to vote, and to interpret all rules of parliamentary procedures.  The President shall be a voting member of the Board.
1st Vice President
It shall be the duty of the 1st Vice President to perform the duties of the President in absentia, and to perform other duties directed by the President.  His/her duties shall include attending meetings and training conferences within his Section and maintaining liaison with his FBINAA Section Representative.
2nd Vice President
It shall be the duty of the 2nd Vice President to perform the duties of the President and the 1st Vice President during their absence, and to perform other duties as directed by the President.  His/her duties shall include attending meetings and training conferences within his Section and maintaining liaison with his Section Representative. The 2nd Vice President will serve as the Regional Representative Coordinator.
3rd Vice President
It shall be the duty of the 3rd Vice President to perform the duties of the President, 1st Vice President and 2nd Vice President during their absence and to perform other duties as directed by the President.  his/her duties shall include attending meetings and training conferences within his Section and maintaining liaison with his Section Representative.
Recording  Secretary
The Secretary will see that meeting minutes are kept and shall provide copies to Board Members and any other member that may request them.  His/her duties shall include attending meetings and training within the Chapter and recording information that would be of interest to the Board.  They will also perform other duties as may be deemed necessary by the President.
The Historian shall perform any duty for the good of the organization required of him by the President, and shall maintain a permanent history of the Association.  He/she is responsible for the fellowship of the Executive Board and the Membership.
Immediate Past President
The Immediate Past President shall remain as a member of the Executive Board for the year following his term as President.  The Immediate Past President shall provide guidance and counsel to the Executive Board.  The Immediate Past President shall be a voting member of the Executive Board.  The Immediate Past President is also a member of the Professional Development Fund Committee.
Fiscal Manager / Treasurer
The Chapter Fiscal/Manager shall be appointed by the Board.  The individual appointed shall be a member in good standing of the Ohio Chapter and shall be the principal liaison in matters of finance and record keeping between the Chapter Secretary / Treasurers in their section and the Executive Director.  The term for the Fiscal Manager / Treasurer will be five (5) years unless an extension is approved by the Executive Board.  The extension will be voted on by the Executive Board on a yearly basis after the initial five (5) year term is completed.
(Fiscal Manager / Treasurer adopted by Membership: Fall Retrainer 2014)
The position of Chaplain shall be appointed by the board. The individual appointed shall be a member in good standing of the Ohio Chapter.  The term for the Chaplain will be five years unless an extension is approved by the Executive Board.  The extension will be voted on by the board on a yearly basis after the initial five year term is completed.  The duties of the Chaplain will be to provide spiritual guidance and enrichment as needed and/or requested.  These services will be extended to the membership when assembled for annual Presidents/Secretary-Treasurers meeting conferences and at any other time requested.  To provide invocations and benedictions at functions attended by the Executive Board and other meetings requested.
(Chaplain Adopted by Membership: June 4, 2014 at The Wigwam)
Bylaw #10 – DUES
The dues of this Association shall be $25.00 per member per year. $25.00 per member plus the dues for the National Organization shall be collected by the fiscal manager.  $5.00 for a retired member who is no longer employed full-time in any capacity plus the dues for the National Organization shall be collected for this category of membership.
Prior to the Annual Meeting each member of the Executive Board shall receive a copy of any changes proposed to the Bylaws.  These changes will be voted on at the Annual Business Meeting or a meeting designated by the Executive Board where a quorum attendance occurs to vote on such an issue. (example:  Fall Training Session)

Amendments:: Amendments to the Bylaws may be made per the Constitution – Article IX, Section 2.

Proposed amendments to the Constitution shall be forwarded in writing by the President to the general membership.  These changes will be voted on during the Annual Business Meeting or the Retraining Conference. Any vote by the membership at the Annual Meeting or a meeting called for that purpose to make, alter, amend, or repeal the Constitution shall be conducted by written ballot.
Any vote by the membership at the Annual Meeting or a meeting called for that purpose to make, alter, amend or repeal the Bylaws shall be conducted by a show of hands and a count.  Should the count be close, any member may request a written ballot.
It is the responsibility of each member of the Executive Board to disclose to the President in a timely manner any circumstances which could render him ineligible to serve on the Executive Board.  In such situations, the President shall bring the facts to the attention of the Board which shall determine the eligibility of that member.
If a member knows he is ineligible, he shall notify the President immediately and the Board may grant a one-time exception of up to one hundred twenty (120) days.
Any member, after 25 years in good standing and meets eligibility requirements, may apply for lifetime membership to the Ohio Chapter of the FBINAA.  Lifetime Membership will be offered as long as the State Chapter is financially able to do so.  Upon the Executive Board’s approval the member shall have continued membership without paying dues to the Ohio Chapter of the FBINAA and be entitled to all benefits derived from said membership.  The Ohio Chapter will also pay the national dues as long as they are financially able to do so. Ohio Chapter Past Presidents that meet the eligibility requirements, regardless of the number of years in good standing, will be offered life membership.
No member of the Executive Board nor any employee of the National Academy Associates of Ohio, Inc. shall have a financial interest in any company or organization engaged in business with the FBI National Academy Associates of Ohio, Inc.  Any member or employee, or a member of their immediate family, who believes he may be in potential conflict with this bylaw shall immediately notify the President of the Association.
Most recent updates recommended by Executive Board:  September 10, 2023
Approved by the Membership at the September 12, 2023 Business Meeting .